Module: TextField

MDCTextField component implemented by react component.

Name Type Attributes Description
props Object <optional>

Attributes other than followings are passed to the input or textarea element of React as is.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string <optional>

The id attribute of the native html input element. This property is also used the name attribute.

value string <optional>

The value of the text field. Should not specify both this attribute and props.defaultValue at the same time.

defaultValue string <optional>

The default value of the text field. Should not specify both this attribute and props.value at the same time.

type string <optional>

The type attribute of the native html input element. If props.variation is 'textarea' or 'filled-textarea', this attribute is ignored.

variation string <optional>

The variation of the text field. Supported variations are'filled'(default), 'outlined', 'textarea' and 'filled-textarea'.

label string <optional>

The label text of the text field.

className string <optional>

The class name that is added to the root element.

disabled boolean <optional>

Specifies true if you want to disable the text field. Default to false.

helperText string <optional>

Specifeis the helper text.

showsHelperPersistently boolean <optional>

Specifies true to make the helper text permanently visible. Default to false.

showsHelperAsValidation boolean <optional>

Specifies true if the helper text is a validation message. Default to false.

rows number <optional>

The number of rows of textarea. If props.variation is not 'textarea' or 'filled-textarea', this attribute is ignored. Default to 4.

cols number <optional>

The cols attribute of textarea element. If props.variation is not 'textarea' or 'filled-textarea', this attribute is ignored. Default to 32.

resizable boolean <optional>

Specifies true allowing the user to resize the textarea. If props.variation is not 'textarea' or 'filled-textarea', this attribute is ignored. Default to false

mdcTextFieldRef React.MutableRefObject <optional>

MutableRefObject which bind an MDCTextField instance to.
