Module: AlertDialog

An alert type MDCDialog component implemented by react component.

Name Type Description
props Object
Name Type Attributes Description
content string

The content of the dialog.

isOpen boolean <optional>

true if opening dialog, otherwise false. Default to false.

className string <optional>

The class name that is added to the surface element.

buttons Array.<Object>

Specifies the settings of the action buttons that the dialog has.

Name Type Attributes Description
action string

Mandatory. The identifer of the action button.

label string

The label of the action button.

isDefault string <optional>

Specifies true if the button means the default action, otherwise false. Default to false.

mdcDialogRef React.MutableRefObject <optional>

MutableRefObject which bind an MDCDialog instance to.

onOpening EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the dialog begins its opening animation.

onOpened EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the dialog finishes its opening animation.

onClosing EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the dialog begins its closing animation. event.detail.action represents the action which closed the dialog.

onClosed EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the dialog finishes its closing animation. event.detail.action represents the action which closed the dialog.
