Module: DataTable

MDCDataTable component implemented by react component. This component can be used in combination with Pagenation.

Name Type Description
props Object
Name Type Attributes Description
data Array.<Object>

The data source of the table body contents.

keyField string <optional>

The property name of data source used to uniquely identify the data source an element. A nested property can be specified by connecting then with '.'.

className string <optional>

The class name that is added to the root element.

tableClassName string <optional>

The class name that is added to the HTML table element.

omitsHeaderRow boolean <optional>

true if not display header row, otherwise false. Default to false.

columns Array.<Object>

The setting of data table's columns.

Name Type Attributes Description
key string <optional>

The identifier for uniquely identifying the column.

header string <optional>

The header content of the column.

content string | BodyRenderer

The property name of the data source used to get the content of the table body. A nested property can be specified by connecting then with '.'.

isNumeric boolean <optional>

Specify true if this columns is a numeric column, otherwise false. Default to false.

isRowHeader boolean <optional>

Specify true if a cells of this columns is a header for each row, otherwise false. Default to false.

className string <optional>

The class name that is added to cells of the column.

headerClassName string <optional>

The class name that is added to a cell of the column in the header row.

bodyClassName string <optional>

The class name that is added to cells of the column in the body rows.

headerAttrs Object <optional>

The attributes to add to cell elements in the header row. Specify an object that has the attribute name as the key and the attribute value (string) as the value.

bodyAttrs Object <optional>

The attributes to add to cell elements in the body rows. Specify an object that has the attribute name as the key and the attribute value (string or BodyRenderer) as the value. The format of the values is the same as the content property.

isSortable boolean <optional>

Specify true if the column is sortable, otherwise false. Default to false.

sortStatus string <optional>

Specify 'ascending' or 'descending' if the column is sorted. If props.columns[].isSortable is false, this attribute is ignored.

usesRowSelection boolean <optional>

Specify true if table has the row selection feature, otherwise false. Default to false.

selectionField string <optional>

The property name of data source used to select a row in the table. A nested property can be specified by connecting then with '.'.

rowClassName RowClassName <optional>

The function to get the class name of the table row.

aria-label string <optional>

The aria-label attribute added to the table tag.

usesStickyHeader boolean <optional>

Specify true if you want to make header row sticky (fixed) on vertical scroll, otherwise false. Default to false. (Note: Sticky header feature is not compatible with IE11 browsers.)

mdcDataTableRef React.MutableRefObject <optional>

MutableRefObject which bind an MDCDataTable instance to. The instance is bind only if props.usesRowSelection is true or props.columns includes some sortable columns.

onScroll EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when table is scrolled.

onRowSelectionChanged EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when row selection checkbox is clicked.

onSelectedAll EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when all rows are selected by clicking checkbox in header.

onUnselectedAll EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when all rows are unselected by clicking checkbox in header.

onSorted EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when sort icon of header cell is clicked.
