Module: Snackbar

MDCSnackbar component implemented by react component.

Name Type Description
props Object
Name Type Attributes Description
label string

The text label on the snackbar.

isOpen boolean <optional>

true if opening snackbar, otherwise false. Default to false.

className string <optional>

The class name that is added to the surface element.

actionLabel string <optional>

The label of action button on the snackbar. Does not specify if action button is not placed.

isStacked string <optional>

Whether to put the action button bellow the label. Default to false.

isLeading string <optional>

Specifies true if the snackbar is displayed on the leading egdge of the screen (the left side in LTR, or the right side in RTL). Specifying false(default), the snackbar are centered horizontally within the viewport.

mdcSnackbarRef React.MutableRefObject <optional>

MutableRefObject which bind an MDCSnackbar instance to.

onOpening EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the snackbar begins its opening animation.

onOpened EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the snackbar finishes its opening animation.

onClosing EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the snackbar begins its closing animation. event.detail.reason contains the reason why the snackbar closed ('dismiss', 'action', or undefined).

onClosed EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when the snackbar finishes its closing animation. event.detail.reason contains the reason why the snackbar closed ('dismiss', 'action', or undefined).
