Module: Pagination

Pagination for MDCDataTable component implemented by react component. This component is used as the child element of the DataTable. This component requires MDCSelect and MDCIconButton to be installed in addition to MDCDataTable.

Name Type Description
props Object
Name Type Attributes Description
className string <optional>

The class name that is added to the root element.

rowsCountList Array.<number> <optional>

Specifies array of number that can be set to rows count per page. Default to [10, 25, 50, 100].

defaultRowsCount number <optional>

Specifies default rows count per page. Default to first item of props.rowsCountList.

pageRowsLable string <optional>

The label of select that specifies rows count per page.

onChangeRowsCount EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when select that specifies rows count per page is changed.

paginationLabel string <optional>

The label that represents the current state of pagination.

isLastPage boolean <optional>

Specifies true if current page is the last page otherwise false.

isFirstPage boolean <optional>

Specifies true if current page is the first page otherwise false.

onClickFirstPageIcon EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when first page icon is clicked.

onClickPrevPageIcon EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when previous page icon is clicked.

onClickNextPageIcon EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when next page icon is clicked.

onClickLastPageIcon EventHandler <optional>

Specifies event handler that is called when last page icon is clicked.

import { DataTable, Pagination } from 'material-react-js';

function MyTable(props) {
  return (
    <DataTable data={} keyField="myKey" columns={props.columns}>
      <Pagination pageRowsLable="Rows per page" rowsCountList={[10, 25, 50]}
                  defaultRowsCount={10} paginationLabel="1-10 of 100" isFirstPage={true}/>